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Rocklite® ‘I’ Hinged Fire Doors


Manufactured to SANS 1253:2003 (edition 3) and stringently tested by the SABS over the years with a proven fire protection rate of two and a half hours. ROCKLITE® fire doors have many other advantages over traditional fire doors. (Test Reports are available on both our ROCKLITE® single fire doors as well as our ROCKLITE® double fire door assemblies).

ROCKLITE® fire doors are lightweight, weighing only 29kg per standard size panel, and are easy to install. They are manufactured in a wide range of sizes and veneers to match existing surfaces.


ROCKLITE® fire doors are supplied with a purpose-made 1,6mm steel frame with a 25mm rebate including one and a half pairs of brass hinges. Frames can be manufactured to suite all wall requirements including existing wall openings and partitions.

Constructed with an inner monolithic, asbestos-free, fire resistant core, ROCKLITE® fire doors have reinforced steel inserts strategically located within the core material to strengthen hinging and hydraulic closure attachment.

National Test Standards:

GENERAL REQUIREMENTS – fire doors of all classes shall be assembled in the factory and supplied as a complete pre-hung door. For the purpose of easy erection and to avoid damage during transportation or during building operations, the door may be taken out of the frame, provided that the frames and doors are number-matched. Locks and closers may also be fitted on site by qualified personnel, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

  • STABILITY – the door or assembly shall withstand the prescribed fire exposure and effectively close an opening without the doors moving out of the frame by more than 25mm.

  • INTEGRITY – the door or assembly shall withstand the prescribed fire exposure without the development, at any point of the door, of a straight-through gap of width that exceeds 6mm.

  • INSULATION – the door or assembly shall withstand the prescribed fire exposure without the mean temperature of the exposed face rising to more than 140°C initial ambient temperature, or the temperature at any point of the face rising to more than 180°C above initial temperature.

  • IMPACT TEST (class C & D assemblies only) – enables the door to resist two successive impacts of a sandbag 250 mm in diameter and a mass of 27kg without the formation of any opening wider than 25 mm. This test, which is fully described in The South African National Standard – Section 5.5 and 5.6.

We specialise in the protection of buildings from fire by the insulation of structural members, walls and tanks against direct attack from flames by maintaining load-bearing members and tank-shells below the critical point at which failure or weakening is likely to occur.

41 Pomona Road, Pomona, Kempton Park │ 011 979 3319 │




41 Pomona Road, Pomona, 

Kempton Park, 1619


P.O. Box 11845, 

Aston Manor, 1630


011 979 3319 / 2301

Nicolas - 083 259 5126


Juan-Marc - 063 285 0087

Bernedene - 084 999 5792

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