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Rocklite® Sliding Fire Doors


ROCKLITE® Class B single and double fire doors are manufactured to SANS 1253:2003 (edition 3) and stringently tested by the SABS over the years with a proven fire protection rate of two and a half hours. Our ROCKLITE® sliding fire doors are also manufactured according to SANS 1253:2003 (edition 3) and have many other advantages over traditional fire doors.

*ROCKLITE® sliding fire doors are lightweight. Putting less strain on the sliding gear and therefore lasting longer. They are manufactured in a wide range of sizes and veneers to match existing surfaces.

*Constructed with an inner monolithic, asbestos-free, fire resistant core, ROCKLITE® sliding fire doors have reinforced steel inserts strategically located within the core material to strengthen hinging and hydraulic closure attachment.

National Test Standards:

GENERAL REQUIREMENTS – A sliding door shall be so designed and constructed that, when the door is installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and closed:

-The average floor clearance does not exceed 12mm, and

-The average clearance between the door and the overlap section of the walls does not exceed 10mm, and the maximum clearance does not exceed 15mm.

  • STABILITYthe door or assembly shall withstand the prescribed fire exposure and effectively close an opening without the doors moving out of the frame by more than 25mm.

  • INTEGRITY – the door or assembly shall withstand the prescribed fire exposure without the development, at any point of the door, of a straight-through gap of width that exceeds 6mm.

  • INSULATION – the door or assembly shall withstand the prescribed fire exposure without the mean temperature of the exposed face rising to more than 140°C initial ambient temperature, or the temperature at any point of the face rising to more than 180°C above initial temperature.

  • IMPACT TEST (class C & D assemblies only) – enables the door to resist two successive impacts of a sandbag 250 mm in diameter and a mass of 27kg without the formation of any opening wider than 25 mm. This test, which is fully described in The South African National Standard – Section 5.5 and 5.6.

We specialise in the protection of buildings from fire by the insulation of structural members, walls and tanks against direct attack from flames by maintaining load-bearing members and tank-shells below the critical point at which failure or weakening is likely to occur.

41 Pomona Road, Pomona, Kempton Park │ 011 979 3319 │




41 Pomona Road, Pomona, 

Kempton Park, 1619


P.O. Box 11845, 

Aston Manor, 1630


011 979 3319 / 2301

Nicolas - 083 259 5126


Juan-Marc - 063 285 0087

Bernedene - 084 999 5792

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